


optimization decisions
optimize decision making
optimize decision-making
improve decision making
Ion 可以根据浏览器、网络、位置和设备的情景要求智能化地做出实时优化决策
Ion intelligently makes real-time optimization decisions based on the situational requirements of browser, network, location and device.
Ion 采用一整套集成的内容交付、加速和优化技术,简化企业移动管理 :实时做出优化决策,凭借快速、可靠、具有吸引力的 Web 体验和移动云服务,让组织超越用户期望。
Ion simplifies enterprise mobility management with an integrated suite of content delivery, acceleration and optimization technologies that can make real-time optimization decisions, enabling organizations to exceed user expectations with fast, reliable and engaging web experiences and mobile cloud services.
此外,通过采用我们的项目组合管理软件,你还能获得有效洞察,并据此降低风险,优化决策。 Collapse
With our portfolio management software, you can also gain insights that help mitigate risk and optimize decision making. Collapse
借助 LumenRT,项目团队生成了模型动画以模拟预期的运作体验并优化决策,以确保安全、成功地举办该活动。
Using LumenRT, the project team animated the model to simulate the expected operational experience and optimize decision making to ensure a safe and successful event.
These base level tasks help to optimize decision-making in many areas of life.
Normally, the programmer can use hints to optimize decision-making.
Such initiatives offer an opportunity for the finance function to implement tools and processes to optimize decision-making and play a wider, more strategic role at the heart of the organization.
last change to profile data base '%s' was notoptimization analysis; optimization decisions may be out of date
预测分析 CloudIQ 对系统性能和容量提供可行见解趋势分析,以优化决策能力并支持长期业务规划和建模。
PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS CloudIQ provides actionable trending insights into system performance and capacity to optimize decision making and support long term business planning and modeling.
Ion 综合优化、加速和内容交付技术,能按最终用户设备、位置、浏览器和网络的具体要求,实时做出优化决策
As an integrated suite of optimization, acceleration and content delivery technologies, Ion makes real-time optimization decisions based on the situational requirements of an end user's device, location, browser and network.
它提供了内容交付、加速和优化技术的智能集成套件,从而能够基于设备、网络、位置和浏览器的情境要求做出实时 Web 和移动优化决策
It offers an integrated suite of content delivery, acceleration and optimization technologies with the intelligence to make real-time web and mobile optimization decisions based on the situational requirements of device, network, location and browser.
Ion 采用一整套集成的内容交付、加速和优化技术,能够提供相应智能,根据用户设备、网络、浏览器、位置自动做出实时 Web 和移动优化决策
With an integrated suite of content delivery, acceleration and optimization technologies, Ion provides the intelligence to automatically make real-time web and mobile optimization decisions based on the user's device, network, browser and location.
Ion 是全球首个情境网站性能解决方案,Ion 根据最终用户设备、位置、浏览器和网络的情境要求,做出实时 Web 和移动优化决策
The world's first situational website performance solution, Ion makes real-time web and mobile optimization decisions based on the situational requirements of the end user's device, location, browser and network.
A tool for vectorization, optimization, and thread prototyping, its simple workflow provides data and tips that help you make design and optimization decisions faster.
优化所有创收资产的收入和利润 将客户价值的360度全方位视图整合到收入优化决策中,例如,确保为最有价值客户预留出下塌房间。
Optimize revenue and profits across all revenue-generating assets. Incorporate a 360-degree view of patron value into your revenue optimization decisions - to ensure, for example, that sleeping rooms are reserved for your most valuable patrons.
运用GIS技术手段,数字化加工和空间化处理"一张蓝图 "、 "一个表" , 形成由上百个图层叠加而成、包括规划管理用图、综合交通规划、基础设施规划、公共服务设施规划等项目的新区地理信息数据平台,实现各部门数据对接、信息共享,优化决策流程,提升新区治理效率。
We will take advantage of the GIS technology, digitalized processing and spatialization to work out the "one blueprint" and "one sheet" to overlap hundreds of the figures including management map, comprehensive traffic planning, infrastructure planning, public service utility planning, etc. on the new district's geo-information data platform to realize coordination of data from varied departments and information sharing to optimize decision making processing and improve governance efficiency of the new district.
Orchestrate and optimise decisions across disparate systems and services
Products & Tools for Better Decision Making
通过嵌入式分析和高级 KPI 工具,获得实时业务洞察,优化决策和关键绩效评估
Gain real-time business insight for better decision-making and key performance measurement with embedded analytics and sophisticated KPI tools
Implemented on the scale described in the new patent, this method could also give customers a control parameter enabling them to take immediate pulp refining optimisation decisions at the papermaking machine.

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